Heidelberg Alumni Canada (HACA)
Canada's alumni club for Heidelberg University
Have you spent time in the Neckarstadt? Heidelberg Alumni Canada (HACA) brings together former and current students, graduates, researchers, professors, staff, and other friends of Heidelberg University who live in or have a connection to Canada. HACA offers you the possibility of maintaining old friendships and contacts as well as establishing new ones and of being up to date with news of research in Heidelberg. HACA proudly operates under the umbrella of Heidelberg Alumni International (HAI), Heidelberg University's alumni relations and services organization on campus.
HACA has been growing slowly for some time. Since we are still in the building phase, we would like to develop the ideas of our club work and an event program together with our alumni. The club's activities are to be defined by the club's members, so we look forward to your ideas and support.
We hope to be a vibrant and active club, and we welcome every kind of feedback. Please let us know your suggestions fr topics to discuss, events to plan, or improvements to make. Of course we would be especially happy if you want to participate actively in our network!
Because of the strict data protection act in Germany, it is difficult for us to find the contact details of potential new alumni. We would therefore appreciate it if you could help us in extending our Heidelberg Alumni Network in Canada. Do you maybe know Heidelberg Alumni who are not (yet) members of HACA? Let us know and pass along the registration link.
Thank you very much!